RedLUM is organised into various committees to steer the project.
INRAE - Dominique Heitz (co-PI, CR)
- Valentin Resseguier (co-PI, CR)
- Romain Tiphaigne (PhD)
- with help from :
- Lionel Fiabane (IR)
- Johan Carlier (IR)
- Laurence Wallian (IE)
- Gregory Nesen (IE)
- Philippe Georgault (IE)
- Laurent Blondel (AI)
| Inria - Tommaso Taddei (CR)
- Angelo Iollo (DR)
- Alexis Valls (PhD)
SCALIAN DS - Florian Regnault (IR)
- Nicolas Salmieri (IE)
- Alexis Valls (intern)
- Philippe Barbet (intern)
| SSSA - Giovanni Stabile (assistant professor)
Weather Measure - Clara Le Cap
- Emmanuel Buisson
- Sylvain Coly